NASA National Student Challenges
Current Challenge

Artemis ROADS III (2024-2025)
Artemis ROADS III Challenge Registration is now open! Visit the challenge page linked below to learn more.
Learn more about Artemis ROADS III (2024-2025)Past Challenges

Artemis ROADS II (2023-2024)
The ROADS program (Rover Observation And Discoveries in Space) explores STEM through hands-on activities. For 2023–2024, we continue to take inspiration from NASA's Artemis Mission to send humans back to the Moon. Students in grades 3–12 model a NASA mission, survey the landscape (via robot), prepare to launch a rocket and simulate living and working on the Moon.
Artemis ROADS II (2023-2024)
Artemis ROADS (2022-2023)
Our ROADS program (Rover Observation And Drone Survey) is a framework that lets students explore STEM concepts through hands-on activities. ROADS takes inspiration from real NASA projects and guides students on a space-related mission. Each year we update ROADS to tackle different science and engineering problems and to visit different solar system bodies. For 2022–2023 we’re going back to the Moon!
Artemis ROADS (2022-2023)
ROADS on Icy Worlds (2021-2022)
Our ROADS program (Rover Observation And Drone Survey) is a framework that lets students explore STEM concepts through hands-on activities. ROADS takes inspiration from real NASA projects and guides students on a space-related mission. Each year we update ROADS to tackle different science and engineering problems and to visit different solar system bodies. For 2021–2022 we’re going to icy worlds!
ROADS on Icy Worlds (2021-2022)
ROADS on Asteroids (2020 – 2021)
The ROADS on Asteroids challenge gives teams of students grades 3–12 a chance to tackle a mission to the asteroids. Teams will plan and simulate a mission to the “snowman” feature on the asteroid Vesta (see below). The mission will include an impactor from height onto the surface, drone landing and takeoff, and robotic navigation across potentially hazardous surfaces to look for the building blocks for life.
ROADS on Asteroids (2020 – 2021)
ROADS on Mars – Freestyle! (2020)
Even when a NASA crew isn’t on an active mission, everyone is still working and maintaining readiness in one way or another. Mission Control staff run simulations to practice their skills. Astronauts train in the Neutral Buoyancy Lab to prepare to work on the International Space Station.
ROADS on Mars – Freestyle! (2020)