ROADS on Icy Worlds (2021-2022)

Our ROADS program (Rover Observation And Drone Survey) is a framework that lets students explore STEM concepts through hands-on activities. ROADS takes inspiration from real NASA projects and guides students on a space-related mission. Each year we update ROADS to tackle different science and engineering problems and to visit different solar system bodies. For 2021–2022 we’re going to icy worlds!

STEM Concepts

All activities align with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).

  • Mission planning
  • Communications
  • Planetary dynamics
  • Biological sampling & pH
  • Astrobiology/biology
  • Robotics
  • Programming


Creating mission documentation

  • Explore planetary dynamics and use the knowledge to model a new object
  • Take biological samples and explore them with a microscope
  • Use provided calculations to create your own map of an icy moon site
  • Operate a drone to simulate space flight
  • Robotics & programming β€” use a robot to navigate your map



Why Icy Worlds?

Prepare for your mission by reading about the icy worlds in our solar system.

Why Icy Worlds

Challenge Manual

Read about the Mission Objectives.

ROADS on Icy Worlds Challenge Manual

Companion Course

Enhance the mission with NGSS-aligned lessons that follow the 5E model.

ROADS on Icy Worlds Companion Course