Artemis ROADS II Final Re-Entry Submissions Due!

The final day to submit Artemis ROADS II Challenge Team's Mission Development Log is June 5th, 2024. Submit your teams results today!

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NESSP Student Programs

NESSP offers experience, programs, supplies, and educational materials for K-12 students and their mentors.

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Summer Experiences

NESSP Partners offer free or low-cost summer enrichment opportunities for students throughout ID, MT, OR, and WA.

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About Northwest Earth & Space Sciences

NESSP serves as a “virtual NASA center” for residents of the U.S.’s northwest — covering Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana. NASA centers have traditionally acted as hubs for professional development for educators, access points for NASA educational materials, and on-site experiences for educators and students.

Artemis ROADS II (2023-2024)

The ROADS program (Rover Observation And Discoveries in Space) explores STEM through hands-on activities. For 2023–2024, we continue to take inspiration from NASA's Artemis Mission to send humans back to the Moon. Students in grades 3–12 model a NASA mission, survey the landscape (via robot), prepare to launch a rocket and simulate living and working on the Moon.

Artemis ROADS II (2023-2024)

NESSP is a NASA Science Activation Team!

The NASA Science Activation (SciAct) program connects diverse learners of all ages with science in ways that activate minds and promote a deeper understanding of our world and beyond.

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