Our ROADS program (Rover Observation And Discoveries in Space) is a framework that allows students to explore STEM concepts through hands-on activities. ROADS takes inspiration from real NASA projects and guides students on space-related missions. Each year, we update ROADS to address different science and engineering problems and to explore various solar system bodies. For 2024-2025 we have developed eight Mission Objectives (MO) and Lessons inspired by the NASA Artemis program!
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Students and educators participating in the National Student Challenge are participating in ROADS on a specified timeline with the intention of submitting their work to earn recognition and other incentives.
Check for challenge updates and announcements.
All ROADS materials are accessible to educators independent of participation in the National Student Challenge.
An overview of the Mission Objectives and Companion Course Lessons can be viewed in the table below. For a more in-depth overview of the Companion Course, view the course page:
Explore Artemis ROADS III:
Click any of the icons below to learn more or to get a link to the corresponding page.