Artemis ROADS II Late Final Submission Page
The Re-Entry Flyby submission deadline is June 5th, 2024
Congrats! Your team has reached the end of the Artemis ROADS II National Challenge. NESSP appreciates the work it takes to guide and mentor these student teams. Thank you for all you do!
MDL Submissions: You will upload the final version of your team’s Mission Development Log (MDL) in the Artemis ROADS II Re-Entry form. Please review MO-01 for rules regarding the formatting and size limits of the MDL.
Virtual Final Challenge Video Submissions (MO-08b): If your team did not attend an in-person final challenge event, they can also upload a final challenge video as described in MO-08b. If your team plans to upload that video, please review the criteria for the length and content outlined in that Mission Objective.
Team Recognition: We will send recognition certificates to all teams shortly after the deadline on June 5th, 2024. In early June, we will draw teams for the Kennedy Space Center trip from the eligible teams that submitted here. Each team that completes the “Deliverables” for all MOs receives one entry into the Kennedy Space Center drawing. Students must also be older than 11 years old at the time of travel in the Crawler and Astrovan to be eligible. The trip will occur between August 11th and 17th, 2024.
Horizon Research Inc. Post-Surveys: Every NASA Science Activation team, including NESSP, must undergo evaluation by surveying its program participants. Please ensure that your student team members complete the post-Challenge survey by Horizon Research, Inc., and respond to any individual interview requests they may receive. Your cooperation in this process is crucial for NESSP to enhance its programs and secure ongoing funding from NASA.
Please note that this form previews your entries before asking you to submit them; please remember to hit the submit button after reviewing your entries.