News for Crews — Join us tonight for an expert chat about Europa!

G’day, ROADS on Icy Worlds crews!

Don’t forget — tonight is our expert chat with Marshall “Moosh” Styczinski, who’s going to talk about studying the oceans inside Europa. If you can’t join us at 4pm Pacific Time today, you can always review the recording on our Icy Worlds resources page, or on our YouTube or Facebook.

Meet an Expert — “How to study the oceans inside Europa”

How do we study an ocean that’s inside the icy crust of a moon that’s millions of miles away? Join us on Thursday, February 10, for “How to study the oceans inside Europa”! Our speaker will be Marshall “Moosh” Styczinski, who graduated from the University of Washington with a Ph.D. in physics in 2021 and is currently a postdoctoral fellow at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab.
