Mini-Mission Information and Application

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Step 1: Apply to Host a Mini-Mission

Before you register :

  • Review the Information Session Slides and view the recording.
  • Review the Mini-Mission Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
  • All Mini-Mission instructors must attend training on May 15th or May 20th, 2024 (see the Events page for options for the “Prepare your Mission” training). If you would like to host a mini-mission but cannot make it at these times, please email
  • Download, read, and sign the Mini-Mission Statement of Work (link coming soon).
  • Download and sign W9 forms for all instructors (lead or assistant) seeking stipends.
  • Preview an example of the contract that will be sent to the Authorizing Official Representative hosting the mini-mission.
  • Determine who the Authorized Official is for the organization hosting the mini-mission and find their contact information. (See the FAQ if you are not sure what this means.)
  • Be prepared to tell us your expected Mini-Mission date, location, and an estimated number of student participants.
  • Look over the manual and the materials list for the mini-mission you plan to lead.
  • Download and review the required Student Information Form, Mini-Mission Follow-Up Report, and Participant Survey Form. (Note: The Student Information form and Follow-Up are view-only. You can download them or make a copy under the File tab.)

Step 2: Register the participants

NESSP will send you a link for the second step of the registration process after you have completed Step 1 of your application, and the Authorizing Official at your organization will sign the contract. You should finalize your mini-mission by completing Step 2 at least three weeks before the start date. If you want NESSP to provide t-shirts for your participants, please send us the student information as soon as possible.

Before you fill out the Step 2 of the application:

  • Attend the mini-Mission training session, “Preparing to Host a Mini-Mission,” on May 15th or May 20th, 2024 (see Events page for more information), where you will get help completing the items below.
  • Finalize your mini-missions schedule, including dates, times, and locations. Be prepared to upload a schedule that describes the dates and times of your mini-mission and a short description of the planned activities. 
  • Download or copy the Student Information Spreadsheet and fill in your participant’s information. 

What is next? Once we have student information, we will mail additional mini-mission materials.  

Thank you! Please send additional questions to