Back to Icy Worlds: Robotics and Drones
Icy Worlds – U4, Lesson 2: Drone Development
In this lesson: Students will first become familiar with their drone and basic drone flight. Then students will follow the Engineering Design process to brainstorm designs for a drone/satellite, test their designs, and then finalize the design to complete the assigned mission objectives.
Lesson Level Question: How can we modify and test our drone to make sure it can complete its mission objectives?
Students should first become familiar with their drone and the basics of how to fly it.
Students will review the Engineering Design Process and follow the process to modify their drone to complete Mission Objectives.
To complete MO-06, students will need to perform a survey flight, take an image of the map, decide on a landing site, and drop off the payload designed above.
Adjustments may be needed to the payload design, camera use of the drone, or other components of the flight. To best accomplish MO-06, continue to make modifications in these areas.
Students will finalize designs for drone and payload and include these designs (as pictures or drawings) in the Mission Development Log.