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Icy Worlds – U3, Lesson 3: Limits of Life

In this lesson: First, students will examine a series of images to decide which images show evidence of life and which do not. Then, they will assemble and use FoldScopes to find evidence of microscopic life. Finally, students will design and carry out experiments to determine the hardiness of yeast.

Lesson Level Question: How can we test the limits of hardy life forms?

40 minutes


Grades 5-8: Students will share ideas about a series of images, first trying to decide if the image shows something alive or not alive, and then sorting them into alive, once alive, and not from life.

Grades 9-12: Students will share ideas about a series of images, deciding whether the images show life, evidence of past life, or no evidence of life. 

40 minutes

160 minutes


Students read and discuss an article about sand.  Then, students assemble FOLD Scopes and use them to look for evidence of things that are alive, once-alive or not alive, including yeast samples.

160 minutes

30 minutes


Students share the evidence they found with their foldscopes and discuss how what they saw helped them to decide if something was biotic or abiotic.

30 minutes

120 minutes


Students will design and carry out experiments with yeast to determine the limits of life for this hardy organism.

120 minutes

30 minutes


Students will examine other groups’ draft Yeast cards and then finalize their own card based on feedback and what they learned from others.

30 minutes