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Icy Worlds – U1, Lesson 5: Mapping Other Worlds

In this lesson: Students will create a scaled map of a room, then discuss the importance of maps.  Then, they will work in teams to create the large-scale map that they will need for the challenge.

Lesson Level Question: How can we create a model of our target landscape to help us rehearse our mission?

60 minutes


Students will create a scale model map of their classroom (or a room in their home if classes are being held remotely).

60 minutes

20 minutes


As a class, students will review and discuss the ROADS on Icy Worlds NASA Student Challenge map and the directions for its creation and will have the opportunity to ask any questions they may have regarding the map and/or the directions.

20 minutes

20 minutes


Students will work in their challenge teams to  discuss and agree upon the process they will follow to create their map and the map’s design, and then will sketch out a reduced scale model of their planned map.

20 minutes

120 minutes


Each team of students will create a 5’ by 8’ map with the markings described in the MO-05 section of the 2021 ROADS to Icy Worlds NASA Robotic Challenge Manual.

120 minutes

40 minutes


Each team of students will receive feedback and a score for their map was given and will have an opportunity to discuss how they might have improved their map to increase their score.

40 minutes

Extend (optional)

Students will learn about the “Mars Yard” and how NASA rehearses missions.