Artemis ROADS III Companion Course
Welcome to the NESSP Student Challenge Companion Course!
How can we use experiments, models, and rehearsals here on Earth to understand other solar system objects and plan a successful mission to the Moon?
This course is organized around the guiding question above. The course has three units, each with multiple lessons. Each unit and lesson have their own guiding question that will contribute to students’ understanding of the overall guiding question. The Table of Contents shows the guiding questions, the Mission Objective (MO) associated with each lesson, and the estimated number of instructional hours. MOs are explained in more detail in the manual found on the main challenge page linked below.
Each lesson includes differentiation for or upper elementary school (Grades 3-5), middle school (Grades 6-8) and high school (Grades 9-12). Lessons vary from an estimate of 3 hours to 8.5 hours to complete. The total time estimate to complete all lessons as written is 47.5 instructional hours. This estimate does not include the optional “Extend” portions of each lesson.
Getting started with the Artemis ROADS III Companion Course
Hover over the orange plus signs below to access the links to the corresponding resource.
Lessons from the Companion Course are aligned with the Mission Objectives (MOs) of the Artemis ROADS III Challenge.
Challenge participants are not required to complete these lessons but can use them to extend or supplement the associated Mission Objectives.
Ideally, students should be placed into groups of 3-6 students and remain in these groups throughout the course if you plan to participate in the student challenge.

How are you using the Companion Course?
We would love to learn how you use the companion course and get your feedback. Please take a few moments to complete the short form below.
Have you completed a ROADS professional development workshop in the past three years? If so, you can request a Companion Course classroom supply loan.
Step 1: Register as a ‘ROADS Educator’ by clicking the button on the right. NESSP will take up to one week to verify your account information.
Step 2: Log in to your account to check your status on the ‘Mission Status’ page. Once we have verified your information, fill out the ‘Companion Course Supply Loan Request’ form to request classroom supplies.